Hila’s Tribute to Tay

Taylor was the kind of best friend that everyone dreams about. Having someone that you instantly click with but also happened to be your neighbor. When I found out in 3rd grade that the new girl in my class also happened to live a block away I was so excited. Taylor and I became best friends quickly despite our differing interests. She was obsessed with softball while I fell in love with music.

As we grew up, we remained friends. We went to bat mitzvahs together, snuck through strangers backyards to get to each others houses, went on our pandemic walks, and had sleepovers where we stayed up until 2am watching movies because I was so jealous that she had a tv in her room. In eighth grade we dressed up for halloween as sunflowers which shows just how strong of a light she had. One of my favorite memories is going to Seaside, FL with her and her family and spending the week together.

Taylor showed me what a true friend could be and I knew that I could always go to her with any problem. She taught me the importance of staying positive and helping others. Taylor continues to be a light in my life and I try to share the memories I had with her to keep her stories alive. I think about her smile everyday and love and appreciate every moment I got to share with her.


Emily’s Tribute to Tay


Alexa’s Tribute to Tay