Be her light and shine.
As a registered 501(c)(3), we’re carrying on Taylor’s ability to show kindness, do good, and give back by cultivating opportunities for kids to inspire one another and grow together.
Who was Taylor?
It's hard to put into words who Taylor was. It's something you had to have experienced, something that you just had to know in your heart. But even if you didn’t know her when she was here with us in this life, it's still something that you can come to know and feel in your heart now that she's in heaven.
Taylor was a person you wanted in your life, someone that would show you kindness in the worst moments. A person that could take a horrible situation and find the one percent of good for you.
There is not one person you will cross paths with that will tell you anything different about Taylor and who she was.
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Through acts of kindness, Taylor showed others how to spread love and peace throughout Tampa Bay, especially to those in need either because of developmental challenges or spiritual needs.
The Foundation wants to teach others, especially kids, to learn from a young age how they can do good things for others in need.
Through donating your time and/or your financial resources, the Foundation will help support not-for-profit charities in Tampa that were important to Taylor. It will also support graduating high school seniors through college scholarships.